Quick Comparison of the McCarthy Hearings and the Salem Witch Trials
This table was taken directly from (The McCarthy Hearings and Their Relation to the Salem Witch Trials) As shown above, there are many...

McCarthy Hearings vs. The Crucible
In the table above, I have highlighted areas where the script of the Crucible and the McCarthy hearings were incredibly similar -...

6 Instances of Mass Hysteria in the United States
Salem Witch Trials (1600s) Lynching in the United States (1860-1960 The Red Scare and The Palmer Raids (1919-1920) Japanese American...

The Hollywood Blacklist
The Hollywood Blacklist was a list of people in the entertainment industry suspected to have radical belief and communist ties. Actors,...
McCarthy Hearings Quote
“They both struck fear in the people due to the "guilty until you confess" attitude which ruled the courts. In Salem the only way to...

Salem Witch Trials Documentary
This source has been used by millions of teachers before they start teaching about The Crucible. It is a great 40 minute documentary...
Uncanny Resemblance
In the Salem Witch Trials and the Mccarthy hearings, both the accusers were famous people, Abigail was the niece of Parris, a revered man...
10 Fun Facts From The Crucible
Page 3 “In 1692 the Massachusetts Bay Colony executed fourteen women, five men, and two dogs for witchcraft.” “What discomfited those who...

The Crucible Parody
This short video shows a group of high school students depicting the Salem Witch Trials in an outlandish and comical way. As immature as...

The Hollywood Blacklist: 1947-1960
This video is extremely moving - showing exactly what kind of horrors were forced upon Hollywood. At 2:15 Dalton Trumbo is being...