Personal Reflections
Beside is a collage I created that depicts the different aspects I thought were key in the book. I thought that the setting and the...
The Play in Action
("The Crucible")
The McCarthy Hearings (Full Trial)
This is an incredibly and surprisingly difficult video to watch. In this video, senators, judges, US army members and chief councils are...

Play Summary Video
#salemwitchtrials #books #reading #author #literature #puritans #religion #thecrucible #arthurmiller #plays #17thcentury
Quotes to Help
Below is a selection of quotes from The Crucible which relate to all of the topics that we have discussed. “Parris: Thomas, Thomas, I...
Salem Witch Trials History
The Crucible is based on the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts in 1692. It started off with a couple of young girls saying they were...
Let’s put our hands up for the McCarthy hearings vs. the Salem Witch Trials!
First up we deal with the witches of 1692. Some kind of mass hysteria had started when a bunch of teenagers started a disco outside a...
The Salem Witch Trials Simulator
Below is a link to a game created by Discovery Education which gives insight into what living through the Salem Witch Trials was like. In...

The Puritans
Some of the characteristics, and facts about the religious group that inhabited the Salem, Massachusetts colony are; They believed that...

McCarthyism Timeline
Below is a timeline of events in the McCarthy era, and what inspired Arthur Miller to write The Crucible. November 14, 1908 - Joseph...