How to Know If Someone Was a Communist?
During this Era, it was common to be speculated by your neighbors and friends. Everyone had to know about everything and be in everyone's...
The Return of McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials
You would notice that it was a way to uproot people who had non patriotic sentiments and so if a Senator would speak out against the...

How McCarthyism Worked
Here is a link to the website shown above: http://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-figures/mccarthyism.htm

The House of Un-American Activities Committee
The House of Un-American Activities Committee, otherwise known as the HUAC was a committed on the House of Representatives that...

What is the McCarthy Era?
The Mccarthy Era first began with the Red Scare during the World War I. The red Scare mainly revolved around political radicalism. Years...

Growing Up in the McCarthy Era
#literature #17thcentury #plays #mccarthyism #thecrucible